
Letters to Juliet

Damn, makin hari aku semakin autis. Bayangin aja, weekend ini aku abisin dengan mengurung diri di kamer dan menghabiskan 6 kaset. Anak-anak pada jalan ke mall, aku tetap memilih diam di kamar. Entah, kali ini merasa ada yang salah ma diri aku. But i can’t found it.
tapi aku bukan mau cerita tentang diri aku yang semakin autis. I want tell about what i watched two hour ago. The title is LETTERS TO JULIET, casting by Amanda Seyfried and Vanessa Redgrave. Tell about a classic love story. SIMPLE, I mention it.b’cos only tell ‘bout finds true love in 50th years ago. Can you imagine that?. Fiftieth years ago, And they got it. Amazing! Klo jodoh emang ga kmana. And most beautiful is background from this film in Italy. You konw Italy ? , i think the first or second romantic country in this world, where romeo first met juliet. Realy excited.
firtsly, sophie have spend her holiday with her applicant in Italy, when her appliacant is busy with he works. Sophie find place of LETTERS TO JULIET, she got a new world. When she join with secretary of juliet she find letter from 50th yeras ago. She reply the letter end sent back to grandma. Grandma with her son back to find true love. Shopie follow that journey, day after day they always found her love. In the last day they found it.
sophie back to her applicant, when she back, her applicant always busy with his works. At least she cut off her enganged.

she came to grandma marriage, and she find her true love with grandma son. And the last hepi ending.
her letters:
‘what’ and ‘what if’, are two words as not threatening as words can be,
but put them together, side by side
and they have power to haunt you for the rest of your life.
what if? I don’t know how your story ended
but if what you felt, then was true love
then it’s never too late,
a love to leave loved ones, if it was true then for.
alone to cross why wouldn’t it be true now
ocean for, but i’d like to believe
if i ever were to feel it , that i’d have the courage to seize it.
you need only courage to follow your heart.

* jodoh emang ga kemana, all is destiny.

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